Your public engagement should be innovative & intentional.

We combine our expertise in culturally competent engagement with our AI-enabled tech tools to lead engagement plans for design & infrastructure projects.

Consider our team for your next project.

Before you launch your project, set engagement goals and plan to use our tools that make engagement more inclusive. Schedule time with our team to see how co:census can fit into any project budget.

We design public engagement plans for representative feedback.

Our team designs engagement plans to prioritize the community and who is most impacted by projects. Our technology ensures your public comments include representative feedback from the community.

Explore civicX →

Stay organized during the engagement process, even with delays.

Our team designs your public engagement timeline. Our technology allows you to use one solution to launch surveys and analyze public comments —even if they are from hybrid/ digital metings.

Explore how co:census saves time →

Visualize public comments as solutions and concerns.

Our engagement plans help you collect project feedback so you can focus on community concerns and solutions. Our technology automatically sorts comments so you can prioritize community needs.

Explore Our Insights Page →

As featured in

Our process & approach leads to successful outcomes.

Case Studies

Read more about our qualifications and outcomes.