5 Ways co:census Saves Time for Urban Planners & Designers

co:census is your team workspace

Urban planners and designers are the unsung heroes shaping our concrete jungles. They're tasked with crafting plans that strike a balance between social fairness, economic viability, and environmental sustainability. Juggling multiple projects and ticking clocks is part of their daily grind — making every minute matter is key.

In the ever-evolving realm of urban planning and design, time isn't just gold—it's platinum. The power to cut through the red tape and make every second count can flip the game on its head. That's where our full-service solution, co:census, steps onto the stage. Here's a quick rundown of five ways co:census can help you spend less time in spreadsheets and more time making community-informed decisions.

Five ways co:census has your back

  1. Data Collection & Visualization: co:census can help you collect narrative based data and then transform that data into visualizations.. This means freeing you up to focus on what you do best - designing and planning. The visualization of data based on trending words from responses allows you to really get under the skin of community feedback.

  2. Community Engagement Made Easy: co:census offers an easy-to-use platform for gathering community feedback by leveraging opt-in SMS surveys, in up to 8 languages, that we co-design with you. Let us do the survey design so you can work on building trust with stakeholders.

  3. Teamwork Makes The Dream Work: With our collaborative workspace feature, co:census lets teams band together on projects—streamlining the planning process while cutting down on project management headaches. Our built-in integrations pull together all your info onto one platform so nothing slips through the cracks - making workflows smoother than ever.

  4. Learning On-The-Go: With integrated learning right within the platform, team members can quickly tap into courses and resources that help them work more efficiently and more importantly, more equitably.

  5. Reports That Matter: No more wading through pages of irrelevant data—co:census delivers insightful reports that help you make decisions that count—saving you time on analysis while ensuring you're making informed choices thanks to our AI model that identifies community solutions like no other tool out there.

The co:census advantage: work smarter, not harder

In this breakneck world of urban planning and design where every tick-tock counts, harnessing the power of co:census could be your ticket to working smarter, saving time, and delivering kick-ass outcomes for your communities. Whether it's through efficient data collection and visualization, community engagement, a collaborative workspace, integrated learning, or insightful reporting, co:census is a valuable tool for every urban planner and designer. 

Learn more about co:census by scheduling a 30-minute conversation with our team!


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co:census joins Google for Startups Black Founders Fund 2023