Automate Your Analysis of Public Comments with co:census

Our newest feature can help you automate your thematic coding by editing sentiments and pre-set categories.

The Struggle is Real: The Old Way

Is thematic coding in excel taking over your life?

If you've ever found yourself knee-deep analyzing public comments, you know the struggle. Endless cycles of sifting through responses, highlighting themes, making revisions, and second-guessing your categories and sentiments. It's a multi-round exercise where you have to read, reread, and refine multiple times to categorize sentiments and themes correctly. It's not just draining—it's downright daunting. Not to mention, the potential for bias while doing this work.

Goodbye Excel, Hello co:census Insights

Say goodbye to manual drudgery and hello to efficiency. We're thrilled to announce two new co:census features that are about to make your qualitative data analysis a breeze:

  • Edit Sentiments and Categories: Correctly categorize sentiments and categories with precision. Our co:census Insights page will analyze your public comments in minutes. You can then review its analysis and edit accordingly. The outcome: your analysis time is cut in half.

  • Transparent Sentiments: Have you ever used an AI platform that transparently shares each comment alongside each sentiment? Most AI-powered solutions will show you a visual of the total positive, negative or neutral comments. We keep it 100, so we share each comment, and each sentiment, and let you tell us if you agree based on the context of your project.

  • Project Archiving: Mid-analysis and got handed another RFP or project? All good, since now you can freeze your work at any stage without the fear of losing any of your comments or analysis.

Real-world Benefits: No More Compromises

Gone are the days of reading and rereading comments multiple times, refining themes, and questioning your themes. These features aren't just about convenience; they're about enabling you to do your best work. Here's why:

  • Precision and Accuracy: With our new editing feature, you can say goodbye to approximations and embrace exactitude. Understand your data better and make informed decisions.

  • Time-saving: Forget those extra hours spent on manual revisions and refinements. With co:census, you'll get it right the first time.

  • Organized Workflow: Archive your project at different phases of community engagement without clutter. Pick up where you left off in later phases without disrupting your initial insights, ensuring continuity and progress.

Ready to Make the Switch?

Tired of the old grind? Still stuck in the manual loop? Take the leap and make your data analysis smarter and your life easier.

Schedule an intro call with our team and learn how co:census can save you team time.


Filter Survey Responses by Question with co:census - 5 Benefits for Urban Planners


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